Trena Antonio is the 2020 San Carlos Apache Region Champion
Trena Antonio has been selected as the 2020 First Things First San Carlos Apache Region Champion for Young Children.
The award is given to local champions who actively volunteer their time to raise public awareness of the importance of early childhood development and health. Champions spend a significant amount of time volunteering with FTF and building public awareness about the importance of early childhood issues.
Antonio volunteered at weekend events, such as the Spring into Health STEM event and the Smokey the Bear Birthday Celebration, to share early childhood information with families. She is a third grade teacher, as well as a minister at Freedom Holiness Church in San Carlos, where she weaves the importance of quality experiences for young children in her sermons. She also shares age-appropriate books with parents of babies, toddlers and preschoolers at her church and shows them how to read with their young children, She shares with them the importance of early literacy and the impact she has seen on her students that have had those quality early experiences.
We recently caught up with Antonio:
Question: Why do you feel early childhood development and health is important?
Answer: Early childhood development and health is important because it teaches a child to be independent in any and all typical tasks during their development and it will give a child a bright healthy future.
Question: How do you suggest other people in your community get involved?
Answer: People can get involved by just communicating with their own child or children.