
Since the beginning of time, people have slightly misinterpreted and reinterpreted each others words… and beers. The study of words’ original intentions has always been a thing – see Yaska, Sanskrit Grammarian circa 7th Century BCE. Same with beer. Which leads us to the question – what exactly is a barleywine? Etymology is a blend of two very different but equally delicious variations of barleywine. One a rich, toasty, black barleywine (Etym) and the other a classic, 12-month barrel aged American style (Ology). After months of study and reflection, we blended the two with a third, younger American barleywine to create this bold and balanced beer.

Appearance: Dark chestnut brown and smokey.
Aroma: Dark toffee, rich molasses, with hints of red wine, vanilla, and rum.
Flavor: Smooth caramel and vanilla, balanced and warm with bright notes of floral fruit

Brewer's Notes

Etymology 2022 is a blend of two classic styles: Etym (22) and Ology (22)

Etym: Black Barleywine aged in Willet Whiskey Barrels for 8 Months
Ology: Barleywine aged in Willet Whiskey & Westland Whiskey Barrels for 12 months